A Hunger Artist (2024)

Lenfest Center for the Arts
Projection Design
An immersive theater experience that re-imagined Kafka’s seminal short story about an artist who fasts in a cage.

AWAKE (2023)

New York Walkerspace Theater
AIGC Projection Design
A real-time, immersive Mandarin play with music that unfolds in a post-apocalyptic setting.
Cocodrills (2023) SILO Club @ Brooklyn
Live Performance
A real-time audio-reactive visual designed for Cocodrill’s live stage on New Year's Day.

Senaida 2.0 (2023)

Avatar Design, Facial Mocap 
Metahuman designed for musician Senaida Ng, incorporating a 3D scan, face animation, and lip sync using real video footage of Senaida Ng herself.